Ardon F Dubie Assembly 0532
Davison Michigan
Business Meeting 3rd Tuesday Monthly and start at 7:00pm
Meeting held at St Johns 450 Building
As we begin our new Fraternal Year, we have a special project from the Supreme Master. Please check out the Navigator page for the information on what we are asked to do regarding our Veterans who served in Korea and Vietnam.
Four Knights of Columbus just joined Ardon F. Dubie Assembly in Davison, MI in a class of 107 brother knights in completing their fraternal journey at the KofC Michigan District 2 88th exemplification at St. Mary Magdlen parish on Saturday, April 20. The four joining are shown in the photo:
From left to right: Jacob Kriener, Joseph Bennett, Navigator Greg Ellsworth, Ken Snyder, Don Ingraham, Sir Knight Dominic Kriener.